The Everard Group Artists
The Everard Group is a family of renowned South African Artists, spanning four generations over a period of more than 150 years. Over time their works cover the landscapes of South Africa, England and France. Their base has always been South Africa During the 20 century it was a remote corner of the African highveld at the homestead of Bonnefoi. The works of the Everards hang in all major South African National Art Galleries including Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Port Elizabeth, East London, Bloemfontein and Kimberley, as well as collections abroad including Africa House in London. The group originally consisted of 4 members, beginning with Bertha Everard, her sister Edith King and her two daughters Ruth and Rosamund. It continued to grow to the next immediate generation with Ruth's daughter Leonora Everard Haden. This extended to Leonora's daughters including the late Nichola Leigh.

DELVILLE WOOD by Bertha Everard
In 1926, whilst living in Paris, Bertha, Edith and Ruth visited the historic First World War battle ground at Delville Wood, France.
Here Bertha Everard painted a series of very paintings of the trenches which still remained.
Only ten of these pictures survive to this day. One hangs in the South African Embassy in London.
This Delville Wood is the companion piece.